GTU E-Library
Gujarat Technological University
(An International Innovative University)

24x7 Online Learning

Message from Honorable Vice Chancellor

Dear Students, Faculty Members, Principals/Directors;


The library acts as a key resource and learning centre of the University. It plays a vital role in enhancing the academic and research growth. To facilitate the users with reading and research, central library is strategically located on the campus of the university along with separate reading rooms and allied facilities.

Team central library of Gujarat Technological University works to provide centralised access to library resources to its users.

Gujarat Technological University is equipped with a state-of-the-art e-library. The comprehensive collection of digital resources, ranging from scholarly articles and textbooks to multimedia content, the e-library is poised to become a cornerstone of academic supplementation for all the stakeholders of the University.

I congratulate team library for theirs efforts and commitment towards excellence and innovation in higher education.

I invite each stakeholder of the university to explore the vast wealth of knowledge that central library has to offer.

Dr. Rajul K. Gajjar
Honourable Vice Chancellor

Vision & Mission


To revolutionize access to knowledge and empower individuals worldwide through a digital repository of diverse, high-quality educational resources.


Our mission is to provide seamless access to a vast array of Academic materials, Research materials and educational content to learners of all backgrounds. Through innovation and collaboration, we aim to bridge the gap in information accessibility, foster a culture of lifelong learning, and promote intellectual growth within our global community. We are committed to embracing technology to enhance the educational experience, promote literacy, and cultivate a more informed, enlightened society.